MondayS. Judy stays home from school with a stomach virus. She is not interested in watching television (something I should be happy about), and so I try to get her to draw next to me in my office while I try to get a little work done.
This is how that goes:
S. Judy: Mommy, why do you love your computer more than me. You’re supposed to take care of me because I love you, Mommy. Mommy, I’m sick and why are you always on your computer, Mommy…I always said she was smart.
5:30 PM—
The bug hits me suddenly…I was supposed to take S. Judy with me to pick up A. and the other two girls from indoor soccer at 7:30, but I don’t think I can make it. I lie down for a while.
6:45 PM—A. calls:
A: When I picked up Cinderella and Jasmine, the after-school teacher told me Cinderella was looking a little under the weather, but Cinderella told me she still wanted to come to soccer, so here we are. I’ll let you know.K: Well, I’m sick now, so keep an eye on her, and I don’t think I can pick you up.A: Okay, we’ll take a cab.7 PM—A. calls:
A: Okay, now Cinderella is asleep on the gym floor. I put a coat under her head and a coat on top of her. Jasmine is playing soccer.K: I just threw up.A: Um…I better go find a bucket. Maybe I can use one of these small orange cones. Bye.TuesdayS. Judy and Cinderella stay home from school—which one would think would be a good thing because they could kind of play together if they felt well enough.
Instead, all Cinderella wants to do is lay on the sofa and watch television, so this is how that goes:
S. Judy: Mommy, Cinderella won’t play with me. Why won’t she play My Little Pony with me. I really want to…Wednesday and ThursdayHooray! All three go to school!
Friday11:00 AM—A. calls:
A: Did the school reach you? Jasmine has a fever.