Wednesday, August 29, 2007

birthday advice

With the school year about to start, we have already recieved two birthday invitations. I don't know what we will do for the girls' party this year. They will each be in a different class at school--if we were to invite all the kids in each class and parents (which seems very generally to be the practice), we would have 100-150 people in attendance to celebrate a sixth birthday. That's the size of a wedding!

And, if we attend each birthday we are invited to, we would likely be going to roughly 50 parties. Any mother of multiples out there have ideas for how to best address this issue? Help!

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Blogger Jody said...

We don't have this problem, each of the kids was only invited to at most 6 or 7 parties last year.

Last year (Kindergarten) was the first year the kids were in separate classes, and they each got to invite 8 or 9 kids. We ended up with 23 kids in attendance overall, because some people just didn't show up.

That party was at home. This year, we're going to an indoor gym instead!

6:08 AM  
Blogger loren said...

Hmmmm... maybe have each of the girls pick three (or four or five) birthdays that they'd really really like to attend and scrap the rest. Then near summer, have a party at your place and invite all of the girls' friends.

Good luck - that's a lot of parties!

Delurking here for the great delurk of 2007 (from You were the first triplet site that I found after I had my own girls. I remember the post about Halloween when you guys were dressed up like Dorothy and some other characters that escape me now...

8:11 PM  

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